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Most common FAQ with koncerns ranging from Kutting Indz as a kompany to Hair kare maintenance and needs. feel free to also email us your komments or questions and we will post them online for the aid of others!

Why Was Kutting Indz P.p.P Kreated?


Orignally the idea of Kutting Indz Promotons Publications N Products started as a publication taylored to fashion. Because fashion has many industries associated with it and I was already in the Hair Extensions business, I decided to konnect the entire entity and add on to the dream. The Vision is to not just become your basic hair extensions kompany but to become a much need pillar of service and economic friendly establishment. I have  passion for business but a deeper passion for children's dreams hopes, aspirations, and giving back to the kommunities!

How are your prices so cheap?


Kutting Indz Products is essentially gearing to aid in the development of multiple Non-profit agencies. 75% of the funds that come into Kutting Indz, is distributed between non profits and agencies that help to provide services free of charge etc.. Instead of gigantic markups, we have taylored our pricing to be more economical to kater to all budgets!

How would I kare for my extensions?

Treat this hair just as if it was your own hair. Use good quality shampoo and conditioning products. Conditioning your hair is very important to keep it soft and manageable, so use leave in conditioners. You can also use products like gel and hair spray to keep the curls in place, but make sure to wash your hair and not leave in these products in for a long time.

K. I. P



Tangling Prevention etc...


Extensions are human hair just like yours, so you would want to treat it as such. Therfore tangling can occur if not properly kared for. Your Hair Extensions can tangle due to being to dryness, oil & dirt build-up, salt-water, chlorine and not combin(wide tooth comb) out your hair daily. Make sure to wash & condition your hair at least once a week, twice a week is better. Use hydrating drops or consult your stylist for more help


How long will my Hair Extensions last?


This hair can last for a very long time depending on how you maintain it. Treat it like your own hair and take very good care of it for it to last longer. Many hair extensionist prefer Brazilian or Indian hair because it is beautiful and unprocessed which makes it last longer than any other kind of hair.

Thank you for your time and support!


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